Scholarship Society

Join the Small Steps Scholarship Society and help underwrite all academic costs (including teacher salaries plus benefits and classroom supplies) for Small Steps students. Your donation will be used to help us provide an education to Houston’s youngest students from some of our city’s most under-resourced communities.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

- Jeremiah 29:11

2023-2024 Scholarship Society Members:

Sponsoring 1+ Year

The CBJR Foundation
Melissa & Bob Duran
Ed Rachal Foundation

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
Impact100 Houston
Kiwanis Foundation of Houston

Jerry Smith
Susan Vaughan Foundation, Inc.

Sponsoring 6+ Months

The Tapeats Fund

Sponsoring 3-5 Months

Tray Black
Morenz Family Foundation

Annie & Jeff Springmeyer

Cindy Taylor

Sponsoring 1-2 Months

Sarah & Jeffrey Bartlett
Becky Bayless
Dylan Benac
Sarah Croasdale
Adam Esparza

Justin Hayes
Braden Merrill
Marisol Salazar
Matt Ultis

Mike Vallejo
Samantha Willenbacher
Martyn Willsher
Steven Yates

Sponsoring 1 Week

Ann & Tom Bastian
Frank Belveal
Philip Berry
Chris Beyer
Dylan Blackford
Haley & Dave Boehm
Lauren & Cameron Brown
Josh Browning
Robert Cannon
Cody Carper
John Colowich
Greg Crochet
Claire Decuir
Lance Dominy
Ben Dubois
M J. Edrington
Melinda Faust
Michael Favrot
Brad Fishman
Craig Friou
Reid Gallagher
Payton Gannaway
Matthew Geiser
Mark Green
Garrett Gremillion
Will Guthrie
Lloyd Hajdik
Matteson Hamilton
Shane Hannabury
Lindsey Harik & Michael Dignam
Thomas E. Hassen
Quinn Hebert
Shane Helmle

Marc Hensel
Aaron Henslin
Tracy Herrmann
Jerry Hosemann
Wilson Jeckovich
Ryan Kelly
Mike Kifer
Ashley Kinder
Blake Kirshman
Brandon Kologinczak
Nick Kondra
William Lakin
Pete Larsen
Elijah Lavicky
Corey Layne
Jamie Lee
Jose Linardi
Richard P. Loveless
George M. McCormick
Jeremy McKamey
Flynn Milam
Robert Mills
Alex Miron
John Moffitt
Logan Moncrief
Annette & Eric Mullins
Kyle Murphy
Michael Newberry
Ryan Nicholson
David G. Nini
John O'Carroll
Philip Peacock

Andrew Perry
Jason Peterson
Bobby Poirrier
Scott Posell
John Riedman
Jennifer Ross
Willetta Rucker
Chris Rutherford
Ryan Sauer
Curt Schaefer
Jeremy Schaffer
Craig Schecter
M. Scott Schoenherr
Brody Sherman
Kirk Sisco
Brandon Starr
William Todd
Jeffery Treadway
Kirk Tucker
Kristopher Van Norman
Gregg Vickers
Travis Visco
Donald Warmington
Kaitlin & Clayton Williford
Brandon Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Joshua Windsor
Alexander Winrich
Ben Yoesel
David Zarr
Jeff Zarr
Shamil Zuberi